Monday, July 4, 2016

First week/Sunday without looking at the "Stars"...

This first week of Stars-free-life has been weird. I mean, taking a vacation is awesome, but in this story, Amaya won't reverse its decision, so I was currently left mostly job-free.
Unlike a few other guys facing a similar situation, knowing I can't afford to spend any time on bitching/whining, I immediately started taking action to build a new work plan. My first goal was to be able to play some kind of poker on a Sunday night... I ended up finding an opening, and played quite a few birds - Managed to finish with decent profit, and pretty happy with my game tonight overall!

It's going to be rough to get back from this disaster, but at the end of the day, like I always say, there's always a solution. Keeping positive is a key, working hard to get results is another one.

Keep sending that good karma our way !

SoSick didn't finish playing his part in the poker world... he's just allowing all of you little fishies to win something for now... ;)

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