No, I'm not getting back to playing chess. Just got asked by my team manager (I still play for a club the first/top Israeli team championship) to get on board (literally) for a couple of games, since he didn't have all of his top (and active) players available.
Playing chess for a living is an even shittier decision than picking up Poker. You grind your balls out, for basically very little/almost no income. As I said in my first post ever in this blog, that with Poker, at least you have the dreams about actually getting rich one day...
When I was a "Chess pro", I used to study a lot and was pretty good at the theory part. Like with Poker, you can choose tighter or more aggressive approaches to the openings (obv there's mixed strategies too). I was normally choosing the more up to date *loose* openings - playing those, had to have me up to date, with all recent developments. Basically retired now for almost a decade, I changed my philosophy completely - I can't compete with the young guns at the theory part, so I choose more random openings, and try *exploiting in vacuum* and getting my midgame skills (assuming I have such) on board - as if I was a cash player who's looking to get his edges on the post flop part, avoiding the pre flop 3-4-5-6 betting wars... Funny that the way that online poker evolved over the last year (with so much of the game going from to the pre to the post) - has some correlation to the way I look at chess now.
This was my first ever post written from my mobile phone. That's because I have a new and shiny one. #Bragggggg
Happy TCOOP everyone, may you flip well :)